Pet Food Store

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Dry carrots

Dried carrots are condensed carrots in dewatered form. For the sake of consumers' health, we have introduced a technology of manufacturing dried carrots based entirely on natural raw materials without the use of any additives. Dried carrots produced by us consist in 100% of edible carrots. Chopped carrots are preserved naturally; therefore, they store all nutrients and vitamins and retain beneficial properties. The product is widely used in the food industry to grant different dishes, desserts, or canned goods a sweet-spicy taste.

Dry Vegetables

Mini Color Corn is an amazingly vibrant strain of rainbow-colored corn. It is a type of ‘flint corn’ which is grown not for eating off the cob, but for making popcorn, or grinding into cornflower. Mini Color Corn is an also attractive meal for mini pet animals because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Hamsters, Rabbit, Guinea pigs, and many other animals show an appetite for Mini Color Corn Details • Natural Multi Colors • 2"- 6" (5.08 cm -15.24 cm) • Dried Corn (moisture 10% -12%) • Recommended for animal and human feed

Dried green papaya

Green Papaya is an incredibly healthy fruit that’s naturally packed with powerful vitamins, enzymes, and phytonutrients. Raw green papaya contains vital nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and Vitamins A, C, E, and BUnripe Green Papaya contains two of the most powerful plant proteolytic enzymes: papain and chymopapain.

Dried ripe papaya

Dried Papaya Just naturally sweet and chewy dried organic papaya, with no added sugars or preservatives. A truly fantastic high-energy snack! Dried papaya contains high levels of vitamin A, flavonoid antioxidants, soluble fiber, B-complex vitamins, as well as calcium and potassium.

Mini Coulour Corn

Mini Color Corn is an amazingly vibrant strain of rainbow-colored corn. It is a type of ‘flint corn’ which is grown not for eating off the cob, but for making popcorn, or grinding into cornflower. Mini Color Corn is an also attractive meal for mini pet animals because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Hamsters, Rabbit, Guinea pigs, and many other animals show an appetite for Mini Color Corn
• Natural Multi Colors • 2"- 6" (5.08 cm -15.24 cm) • Dried Corn (moisture 10% -12%) • Recommended for animal and human feed

Dried Mango

Dried mango: Mango is one of the most popular tropical fruits. Dried mango is a source of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and foliate. It does deliver a fair number of calories and crabs in the form of naturally occurring sugars. So, moderation is key. Though dried mango has a lower antioxidant content than its fresh counterpart, it’s still a good source of carotenoids. It’s also linked to higher fiber intake and improved dietary quality.

Dried Ripe Papaya

Dried Papaya Just naturally sweet and chewy dried organic papaya, with no added sugars or preservatives. Full of vitamins & useful for health of both human and anaimals.A truly fantastic high-energy snack! Dried papaya contains high levels of vitamin A, flavonoid antioxidants, soluble fiber, B-complex vitamins, as well as calcium and potassium.

Dried Mango

Dried mango: Mango is one of the most popular tropical fruits. Dried mango is a source of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and foliate. It does deliver a fair number of calories and crabs in the form of naturally occurring sugars. So, moderation is key. Though dried mango has a lower antioxidant content than its fresh counterpart, it’s still a good source of carotenoids. It’s also linked to higher fiber intake and improved dietary quality.